REPEAT - UNTIL Loop or Statement In Microsoft Dynamics NAV C/AL
REPEAT - UNTIL Loop is a repetative loop, is used for programmes having one or more statements to be executed until some condition.
REPEAT Satements UNTIL Boolean Expression
This works in a manner like that it will work the statements until the Boolean Expression is true. The difference Between WHILE-DO loop is that the REPEAT - UNTIL Loop will execute atleast one time and then only it will check the Boolean expression true or false. But in the case of WHILE-DO loop only execute the code when a particular condition is true.
For Example:
i := i + 1;
Total Sales := Total Sales + Sales[i];
UNTIL Sales[i]=0;
The abow example works in a manner like that it will execute the statement once after that check the Boolean expression Sales[i]=0 or not if the condition is true then reapeat the statement otherwise it will exit from the loop and execute the statement immediatly after that.