MESSAGE Function

MESSAGE Function

MESSAGE Function is simplest function in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV. By the help of these function we can able to display a message box at the time of runing an Object. This is commonly used to display Warning Message, testing message etc.

First up all i will tell how to display a "HELLO WORLD" text in the Message Box. For that first we have open a C/AL editor,

for how to open C/AL editor click on the Mibutech: C/AL Editor.

Then you have to type the following code in the C/AL editor


After entering this you have to save the code and Run the code. Then you will get a window like the following picture.


To display your name in the message box type the following code

MESSAGE('THE VALUE OF %1 IS %2','Myname is','Jubel Thomas Joy');

If you type the message like this then you will get the display like 

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